Manage your calls
Custom design for your calls from a single environment through custom forms adapted to the different phases and periods of time.
Register all the applications
Receive and manage in one platform all the applications of your applicants, generating a single digital record with all the data.
Evaluate applications
Check the applications received and determine a status: rectification, cancellation .... And you can also assign a committee of external evaluators to validate candidates.
Monitors the phases and results
Follow effectively all phases, milestones, results and criteria established in the calls as budgeting, eligibility, scientific and technical indicators, economic-administrative monitoring over the duration of the call.
Analyzes all the data
Access custom reports of all sort of indicators, like economic-administrative, financial, demographic and scientific-technical ..
Export the data
Use your templates and export custom reports to Word, Excel, PDF y .CSV
Succesful stories
Quadrivium has been adapted in multitude of calls, including 7º Framework Programs calls, or International Calls for Excellent Researchers, if you want to know deeper the programs which has been managed with our software, go to "Learn more"